Gift Baskets (Example)

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Created by Team PlanHero Contact

The Liberty School Auction is almost here!

Please sign up for specific items you'd like to contribute to our themed gift baskets.
Some ideas: 
Please drop-off all items to the front office no later than Monday, March 14!
If you'd rather we do the shopping for you, feel free to just donate below. You can do it directly through this app. There will be a 5% + 50¢ service fee added at checkout/confirmation. PS - The Donate List is PRIVATE. Only you and the organizer can see your donation amount.
Silent Auction Team

Date and location

Cal purple Monday, March 14, 2022, from 8:00am to 2:30pm - Pacific Time (US & Canada)
Event location Liberty Elementary School, Liberty Elementary School, Liberty Road South, Salem, OR, USA
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