AQ Application + Portfolio Drop-Off Reservation

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Created by ArtQuest @ SRHS Contact

Reservations are required to hand-deliver your ArtQuest Application and Portfolio to the ArtQuest Office by Dec. 8th for 24/25 school year.

Sign-Up Instructions:
  1. Please select from the dates and times below to hand-deliver your AQ Application + Portfolio to the AQ Office by December 8th. (Select "Show more" below for additional instructions)
  2. Please use your Student's First and Last Name to sign-up. 
  3. Parent/guardian can drop-off application (and portfolio, if applicable). Student does not need to be present to avoid missing school.  

Date and location

Event Dates

Cal purple Wednesday, November 29, 2023, from 1:30pm to 3:00pm - Pacific Time (US & Canada)
Event location ArtQuest Office @ SRHS, 1235 Mendocino Ave (corner of Mendocino + Ridgway)
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