Theater pic for  membership

Created by Joey Ficken Contact

Thank you for volunteering to share the rich history and vibrant interior architecture of the Liberty Theatre with the public!

  • Get the key from the lockbox outside of the Box Office
  • Enter through the 12th Street McTavish door
  • Turn on lights in the Lobby, Auditorium, Stage, Mezzanine, Balcony, Second Floor Elevator Nook, and Lower Lobby Stair-Well
  • Close theatre blinds and House Right curtains
  • Walk the tour path to make sure that there is nothing in the way of patron navigation
  • Unlock wooden theatre doors
  • Turn off all lights in the Lobby, Auditorium, Stage, Mezzanine, Balcony, Second Floor Elevator Nook, and Lower Lobby Stair-Well (unless theatre is in use by theatre staff)
  • Make sure that Guided Tours A-Frame sign and all Guided Tours signs are removed from doors and brought inside
  • Lock wooden theatre doors
  • Exit through the 12th Street McTavish door
  • Return the key to the lockbox
  • Provide assistance with the Elevator from the Lobby to the Mezzanine
  • Ride in the Elevator with the guests to the Mezzanine and see to it that they are reconnected with the rest of the tour group
  • Take the Elevator back to the Lobby so you can keep an eye on the unlocked wooden doors to make sure that interested parties don't sneak into the theatre (If someone makes their way into the Lobby without a ticket, politely inform them that there is currently a tour in progress and that the theatre is not open to the public at the moment. If there is another Guided Tour coming up, then direct them to the Box Office for tickets)
  • The Blacony part of the tour takes about 12-15 minutes. If a guest requires Elevator assistance, be ready to assist them back to the Lobby once the Balcony portion of the tour is complete
  • Once the Tour has ended, some guests might take that opportunity to use the bathroom in the Lower Lobby. Please keep track of guest activity and make sure that all guests exit the building

Date and location

Event Dates

Cal purple Saturday, June 1, 2024, from 11:45am to 2:00pm - Pacific Time (US & Canada)
Event location Liberty Theatre
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