- Read the volunteer descriptions. You may need to click on "Show More" to see them.
- Visit and make sure you have completed the volunteer form for the school and any other necessary steps. You can still sign up, but the form needs to be submit a mininmum of 48 hours prior to the event.
This competition will be at at other high schools in the Chicago suburbs. Volunteers will need to transport themselves to and from the competition. Volunteers will get to see the Round Lake High School performance for free.
Job Descriptions
Prop Movers - We recommend that these volunteers be the same people at each competition if possible. Instructions of where to place the prop will be printed on the back of the prop and one of the drum major will lead this team of volunteers to ensure that it is place properly. This prop also come on and off the field within a specific time frame otherwise the band incurrs point penalties towards their overall score.
Podium Movers - These volunteers will roll out our drum major podiums and set them up at predesignated yardlines as the band takes the field and will collapse them and roll them off after our performance back to the parking lot.
Driver for Trailer - Besides our department trailer, we will be renting a UHaul for each competition due to the amount of equipment we have. We need one parent to drive this trailer to and from the competition. You will need to meet us at the school to hook up the trailer, but the students will load all of the equipment. Typically after our performance, our trailer returns to the school as soon as it is loaded. You can unhook the trailer and leave it with our other trailer and the students will unload them when they return.
Water & Snacks - These volunteers do not need to be at the competition. They will need to stop in at the high school at call time for the students. There will be a cooler and bin for each of the three busses. The volunteers will pick up ice on their way to the school, fill the coolers with the ice and bottled water already at the school, and check the bins to make sure there is enough snacks in them. Extra snacks are in the storage room to fill the bins with. When complete, the volunteers should put all three coolers and bins in the band room in front of the white board. There are preassigned students that will load them on the buses.
Uniforms - These volunteers need to meet the band in the parking when they arrive. As students change into unfirom, these volunteers are on hand to check the uniforms for any inconsistencies and any emergency repairs. A kti of supplies will be provided with saftey pins, thread and needle, etc. A checklist of what to look for will also be provided ahead of time.