Created by Christ the King Community Church Contact
Dave And Schwab
x 2
“Dave and Sue. ”
Daryl Dewell
“Look forward to the experience! Thank Grant for the opportunity to Pray!”
Carrie Butler
x 1
Myra MCDonald
Bobbi Mann
Tom kieser
Diane Ackerman
Tyler Legault
Vita Klykov
Caroline Balzer
David Rupprecht
Sue Taylor
Pam Workman
Karen Clark
Lacey Postlewait
Leanna and John Myers
Melinda Ferson
“Melinda Fers”
Michelle L Huff
Mike Gowan
Jack Casciolini
Michelle L. Huff
John Hazelton
Wanda Gerbrand
Brian Stockman
Billy Hansen Jr
Elle Sutton
Larry Farr
“Praise God The Father for His amazing love, and Praise The Holy Spirit, for never letting go. And Praise Jesus, for Being our Saviour ”
Jason James
Gary Marks
Susan Burrus
John Paul Saenz
““JP” - It’s all about Jesus!”
Pamela Means
“Pam Means”
Keith Egbert
“Jack Casciolini”
Meg Chesley
KC Rhodes
Ava Brodeur
Shane Shetler
Chad Kemp
Peggy Van Ieperen
“I will be praying during this time slot.”
Lois Nern
Andre Braxton
Tralayna Haslett
Christina Hjort
Sydel McKim
Lynda James
Erin Northrop
Cynthia Johnston
“Praise God”
Bob amon
Shawn Holmes
Brett Greenwood
Jan Butler
Scott Nally
Karen Sean
“Karen Swan”
Barbara farnsworth
Shawna Walton
“Shawna Walton”
Janis Gustafson
Nathan & Jill Graf
Mary Jo Timmerman
Datyous Mahmoudian
Jodi Tisland
Daniel Cronk
Laura Thompson
“Melissa Van Straten”
Rebekah Petrick
Jaana Critchley
Ashli-Joy Stanley
Mary Jansky
Wendy Powell
Rick & Anne Campbell
“Rick & Anne Campbell. ”
Dean Butler
James Jansky
Bonnie Potts
Shelly C.
Coral Greenwood
Daniel James Cronk
Drew Young
“Drew Young”
Cheryl Leung
“I’m am praying for this country and for my son who has walked away from the Lord”
DeAnne F Peter
David Scattum
Denise Madsen
Emily Higginbotham
Kim Ryan
Chelsea Curry
Nathan Butcher
“I will be at Light of the World Prayer Center”
Chris Peterson
“Happy to pray during this half hour”
Katie & Sergie
Audrey Farr
“Audrey Farr ”
Jim Wallace
Carrie A Berg
“For a child in our home who doesn't believe (Austin)”
Donna Payne
Ali Gorum
Christian Hinds
“I will pray for the suggestions during this half hour slot”
Julie Burleson
Zachary Pursley
x 3
Holly Ilchmann
Shayna Woods
Christie Jensen
Suzanne Hull
Scott Emory
Henrich Brockhaus
Sarah McAlpine
Stacy and Visions girls
Brian Behrends
Kathryn Colacurcio
Megan Lewis
Maria Miller
“I will be praying from home. ”
Carrie Whisler
“Carrie Whisler”
Alyssa Hougen
Colleen Hedrick
Andrea Demlow
Ruby Zamora
Lisa Benson
“Lisa Benson”
Elsie Walter
“Elsie Walter”
Michelle Rodriguez
Adriana Pelayo
Julie V
K.C. Halldorson
Olivia Fishbook
Jen Bergeton
Lisa Butler
Christina Drake
x 5
“Tyrell, Christina and "The Jackson 3" ”
Carla Disheroon
Sam Dardano
Erin Eckley
Ann Lund
Margaret Watson
Luke Stibbs
“Luke Stibbs”
Lisa Nolan
Abigail Berry
Tressa Throgmorton
Laura Lindal
Suzanne Collins
Harold Garner
Mike & Kathy
Terry Wilcox
“Kayla & Trinity”
Merissa Combel
“K.C. and Jaiden.”
Cindy Sonnek
Colin Tate
Katie Jacobson
Brian Steele
“Brian and Katie Steele”
Rich Ohlmann
Deborah Coates
Daniel Porter
Diana Bryan
Carol Tjoelker
Alexia Maitland
Linda Borland
Leanna Myers
Grant Fishbook
Kendan Woods
Justice Banson
Linda roorda
“Linda Roorda”
Emma van der Velde
Pat Hoekstra
Bill Grimmer
“Thy Kingdom come, thy Will be done”
Ashley Ramos
“Ashley Ramos”
Tome McAlpine
Jennete R Renteria
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