Mama's Favorite Recipe

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Created by Redemption Bible Church

We all have a classic dinner we ate growing up.. Whether it's meatloaf, kitchen sink stew, or even burnt dinner rolls!

Let's share a night of dinner nostalgia! Bring a favorite childhood meal item, just the way someone made it for you growing up, even if it's a little extra crispy!

We'll have a fun night of reminiscing over childhood memories, and there may be a few vintage games to play, too!
Kids are ALWAYS welcome to Family Dinner Nights at the Duffy's!
Note: Just RSVP the adults so I know how many dinner items are being brought. The RSVP automatically includes yourself. Kids do not need to be included in your RSVP, but of course, all kids are welcome! We're looking forward to a night of fun down Memory Lane!

Date and location

Cal purple Friday, March 27, 2020, from 6:30pm to 10:00pm - Pacific Time (US & Canada)
Event location Duffy House, 146 Tottenham Lane, Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
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