Halloween Care Package Brunch

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Created by Team PlanHero Contact

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Let's Send our Co-eds Halloween Care Packages!

Hi gals,
It's that time again...the college kids are getting a care package...at least those who are actually back at school! Please let me know if you can make it to my house for brunch and packing. I'll provide the standard USPS boxes and labels. I'll also provide quiche, coffee, tea, and orange juice!
If you're feeling ill at all, please don't attend 😷
Sign up for what you can bring. Plan on at least 14 of whatever treats/decorations you're bringing. We can adjust based on how many care packages people sign up for. You can check the actual count here on the app, but I'll also send out an update via the app.
Can't wait to see you all!

Date and location

Cal purple Monday, October 20, 2025, from 9:30am to 11:00am - Pacific Time (US & Canada)
Event location Jennifer's House, 4849 NE 138th Ave, Portland, OR 97230

Will you be attending? (20 spots left)

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