Neighborhood Gift Exchange

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Created by Team PlanHero Contact

Crazy Idea for a Crazy Year! 🎁

Since we can't get together for a neighborhood party this year, let's do a gift exchange!
Here's the plan:
1. If you want to participate, sign up below.
2. All family names (of those who sign up) will be pulled placed in two separate hats. We'll randomly assign each family to another family, then we'll let you know your family.'s a secret!
3. Purchase or make a gift for your assigned family. 
4. Deliver the gifts per your time spot to the picnic tables in the common area. We want to avoid congregating, so please sign up for a time spot, deliver your gift and leave. Ron and I will be at the tables to stand guard 😎
  • Do not spend more than $30 for buying a gift or for materials if you're making a gift. Please adhere to this rule to keep things fair and even for all!
  • No homemade food items. Due to COVID-19, we ask that you do not cook/bake anything homemade. We'll miss Kate's fudge this year, but better safe than sorry.
  • Please wrap your gift and add a gift tag with the recipient family's name and your family's name as the giver.
That's it. Be creative!
Jenny and Ron 🎅🏽

Date and location

Cal purple Friday, December 22, 2023, from 3:00pm to 5:00pm - Pacific Time (US & Canada)
Event location Picnic tables in common area
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