Snow Shovel Crew

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Created by Team PlanHero Contact

Let's make sure our neighbors can get to the store and not break a hip! ❄

Can you help us shovel snow for our neighbors who can't do it themselves? We'll provide hot coffee ☕️and cocoa if you'll provide the muscle 💪🏽
Bring a shovel if you have one. We'll have a few extras too.
You'll need to enter your name, email address, and phone number to confirm your sign up. Reminders will be automatically sent. Please note that your personal info will remain private to you and us (as organizers).
Thank you!

Date and location

Event Dates

Cal purple Saturday, December 2, 2023, from 8:00am to 12:00pm - Pacific Time (US & Canada)
Event location Meet at Alfred Park - Main Entrance, Alfred Park
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